[Minor Patch] Version update v.1.2
Author: Aan
Updated: 2020-06-11
Categories: Updates
What’s new
- Added support for kalimba with tines arranged by linear order. Calling traditional tine arrangement zigzag as it feels like so ヾ(•ω•`).
- To change tine arrangement, go to Toolbar > EDIT > Tine Layout... > Tine Arrange Mode and select your preferred mode.
- Sheets are now downloadable in *.mxl, *.pdf, and *.mid formats. Check for details here.
- You can make a certain modification to *.pdf sheets before downloading, like showing/hiding number/letter notations, changing letter notation placements,... Huge thanks to OpenSheetMusicDisplay for making a great library for this to happen!
- Improved website loading speed.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where changing pitch of tied notes would not move the ties along.
- Fixed a bug where changing notes' pitch would skip some pitches when multiple notes are selected.
- Fixed a bug where increasing or decreasing number of tines would move the notes to other tines.
- Fixed a bug where inserting a measure that would break notes that are tied across the pre-inserted two measures, leaving the ties visible.
Comments 2
Jorge Collaguazo
Jorge Collaguazo