Understanding the Playback Controller

Updated on May 10th, 2020

In this tutorial you’ll find ALL information about Playback Controller – One with Play/Pause/Stop buttons, and more!

In every sheet, you will see at the bottom a bar that looks like this:


00:00 / 03:14
= 80


00:00 / 03:14

Tap on cog icon to see all the options!

Let's dive in and learn what each button does!

Play/Pause, Stop, Volume

  • Play/Pause: pretty self-explained, it will start/pause the player.
  • Stop: This stops and goes back to the beginning.
  • Volume: Change the player's volume.

Time indicators

There are 2 types of time indicators: Elapsed time and Total time.

Let's take a look at an example, say 00:00 / 03:14

  • 00:00 - Elapsed time.
  • 03:14 - Total time.

Speed Change

This feature will come in handy when you can’t keep up with the falling notes, simply slow them down and voìla, slow notes!

  • Slow down: Decreases play speed by 0.25.
  • Speed indicator: Shows current play speed.
  • Speed up: Increases play speed by 0.25.

Repeat Mode

Toggling on/off Repeat Mode to tell the player to go back to start point when it reaches the end point.

This feature is especially good when combining with Limit Mode - explained below.

Limit Mode

Toggle this on to enter Limit Mode - where you can select a portion of the sheet to play. Designed to help users practice more efficiently.

Enable Limit Mode
  • Press the button so it lights up . This changes the Progress Bar's mode from Seek Mode to Limit Mode.
  • Drag on the Progress Bar to select a portion of it. Numbers inside it are measure numbers, making it easier to select measures you want to practice.
  • To repeat inside selection zone, simply hit the Repeat button.

Disable Limit Mode
  • Remove the limiters: press once inside Progress Bar to remove the Limiters.
  • Turn off Limit Mode: press the button so it lights off, this reverts the Progress Bar to Seek Mode so you can use it to seek again.


Want to make the sound more precise? You can do it by turning Sustain button off. Notes falling down will end their sound immediately when the duration is up.

We would recommend it be turned on as tine vibration is a form of sustained sound.

Parts toggle

If you like a sheet so much but its difficulty is off your current ability to handle, you can use this feature to toggle off the second part (we named it Bass, for now) and play only its melody . Gradually you will be able to take on such a difficult sheet in no time!

Tempo indicator

It shows how many notes of which type are played in one minute.

For example: [= 80 ] means 80 quarter notes are played in one minute. You can hover (desktop) or tap (mobile) on the indicator to see what it wants to say!

Progress bar

A Playback Controller isn’t fully one without a Progress Bar. This special bar has 2 modes, interchanged by pressing Toggle Limiters button:
  • Seek Mode: tap/click on any place inside the Progress Bar, it’ll take you to where the playback is supposed to be.
  • Limit Mode: tap/click and drag to select a portion of the sheet to play. This becomes more powerful when combined with Repeat Mode.

Progress Bar is also armed with measure number indicators, allowing you to select correct measures to practice.

Now that we’ve reached the end of this post, we hope you understand how all those buttons work, for a better experience in practicing~

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